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Skidmore College

Prospective First-Year FAQ

How much Financial Aid might I receive at Skidmore?
We have a calculator for that! Click here to get an estimate of your eligibility for Skidmore Grant assistance.  

Who is eligible to apply for financial aid at Skidmore College?
如果你是美国公民或美国永久居民,你 are eligible to apply for financial aid at Skidmore College. Skidmore is also able 为非公民学生提供数量有限的经济援助奖励 or permanent residents of the United States. 

Does Skidmore offer financial aid to international applicants?
Yes. 对于考虑申请经济资助的国际学生, 请在入学申请表上注明你打算申请金融专业 aid.  一旦你的入学申请被火博体育上传,你就会有 能够通过我们的录取完成我们的在线电子财务援助申请 portal. 在线经济援助申请将在申请日期的两天内生效 submitting your admission application. We offer a limited amount of aid for international students and therefore it is a highly competitive process. If an international applicant 已被录取并无助学金入学的学生,他们不能在 the future.

What type of financial aid is available?
经济援助“一揽子计划”通常包括助学金、校园工作和贷款. Student 援助资金来自各种各样的来源,包括火博体育自己的赠款 和许多联邦财政援助项目一样,比如佩尔助学金、补充教育 机会补助金(SEOG),联邦勤工俭学计划和联邦直接贷款. 火博体育学院的经济援助计划也可能包括州奖学金或奖学金 grant from some other public or private organization.

How much does it cost to attend Skidmore College?
For basic annual costs of attendance please visit the Bursar's web page.

What is your need-based financial aid policy?
火博体育致力于满足我们录取学生的全部需求. A 经济援助“一揽子计划”,或助学金、联邦学生贷款和学生贷款的组合 就业,与录取通知书一起邮寄给被录取的经济援助申请人.

Does Skidmore offer any merit based aid?
The Filene Music Scholarship 每年以竞赛的形式颁发给至少四名有天赋的新生 寻求在文科环境中进一步学习音乐的新生音乐家. 注册表格和小册子包含在招生包中. The Filene 音乐奖学金以助学金的形式满足学生的经济需要 有资格获得以需求为基础的火博体育助学金的学生,从而取消 necessity of campus employment and student loans. It is also awarded to winners who do not demonstrate financial need in the amount of $15,000 per year. These scholarships are renewed annually for four years.

Skidmore's Porter/Wachenheim Presidential Scholarships 是否会在不考虑经济需要的情况下,授予成绩优异的新生 in the sciences and/or mathematics. A $80,000 scholarship ($20,000 per year) is awarded 献给14位表现出卓越学习前景的候选人 areas.

How do I apply for financial aid?
完整的说明以及在线表格的链接可以在 Financial Aid website under Prospective First-Year Students.

How is my financial aid need determined?
火博体育学院的经济援助是根据证明的经济状况颁发的 need. Your financial need is determined from data you provide on the College Scholarship Service PROFILE application. 在分析了个人资料上的信息后,学院奖学金 服务处会给你、火博体育学院和你列出的其他学院提供一份报告 as recipients of the data. Financial need is determined by subtracting from Skidmore's 花多少钱你和你的家人可以支付你的教育. If the 你的家庭资助金额低于在火博体育就读的总费用 you are considered to have financial need. While colleges expect you and your family 承担您教育费用的主要责任,我们将与 you to develop a package of aid and/or a financing plan. Whatever your income, factors 比如家庭规模、受抚养子女上大学的人数、家庭资产 (包括房屋净值),特殊医疗费用,以及任何特殊情况 will be considered. (If your parents are divorced or separated, this process can be 稍微复杂一点,因为我们通常需要父母双方的财务数据).

Does everyone who is admitted and eligible for aid receive a package?
No, not everyone. 要获得经济援助,你必须被录取, 在适当的截止日期前提交一份完整的财政援助申请,并且 have a demonstrated financial need. First-year students whose applications are incomplete after the deadline are eligible only for a job and loan assistance. Many applicants 证明经济需要为$7,400或以下,可收到包含$2,000的包裹 grant, a $3,500 loan, and/or a $2,000 campus job. Additional demonstrated financial 需要通过联邦、州和/或火博体育学院的助学金来满足.


  • The average 2022-23 first-year financial aid package was $53,100.
  • The range of the packages was $2,000 to $79,000.
  • 52% of students received need-based grants.
  • 60% received some form of financial aid.
  • 60% were given the opportunity to work on campus.

What are Skidmore College's financial application codes?
Skidmore的PROFILE代码是2815,FAFSA代码是002814,TAP代码(纽约居民) only) is 0855.

Is Skidmore College need-blind?
火博体育鼓励任何有兴趣申请入学的学生,无论如何都要这样做 of his/her intention to seek financial aid. All candidates are evaluated on the strength 他们的学术和个人资格,而不考虑他们的经济状况. 招生委员会尽一切努力满足尽可能多的人的需求 admissible candidates as it can. Unfortunately, each year there are more qualified 需要经济援助的候选人超出了学院资源的支持范围. When 所有机构的资助资源都已投入,招生委员会将会 录取一些候选人,但把他们放在经济援助等候名单上. 在最后一轮选拔过程中,委员会也可能认为有必要 根据未满足的经济需求,将少数候选人列入候补名单或拒绝.

火博体育学院允许研究生或家长算作家庭成员吗 in college?

不,允许消费者负债会给欠债的家庭带来不公平的优势 over families who do not.

Will applying for financial aid hurt my chances for admission?
火博体育学院为大多数有证明的被录取的学生提供基于需求的经济援助 但对于一小部分申请者来说,录取过程并非不考虑他们的需求.

如果我的家庭负担不起CSS Profile的申请费,我们可以获得豁免吗?
首次提交申请的公民或永久居民将获得费用减免 对于那些根据父母申报的收入而符合条件的人, assets, and household size. The goal is to ensure that fee waivers are distributed 公平地对待来自经济资源最少和无能力家庭的学生 to afford the fee. Orphans and wards of the court will be automatically eligible for fee waivers if they are freshman first-time filers. CSS grants up to 6 fee waivers per student who meet certain economic guidelines.

如果我的家庭有特殊情况而表格上没有注明,我该怎么办 the FAFSA and PROFILE?
财政援助办公室建议给办公室发一封信,概述这个特别项目 circumstances that were not able to be indicated on the PROFILE. The letter of special 情况可以发送到财政援助办公室,火博体育学院,815 North Broadway, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866; emailed in PDF format to

火博体育学院要求父母双方提供信息,无论目前是否 marital status. 如果不支持或不愿意支付火博体育学院仍然 requires the information from the parent you do not live with. Students with extenuating circumstances can contact the Financial Aid Office.

What should I do if my "custodial" parent is remarried?
FAFSA和PROFILE要求受抚养的学生报告父母信息. If 你的“监护”父母再婚了,也需要当前配偶的信息 to be reported on both the FAFSA and PROFILE applications.

My parents are separated/divorced/never married. Who should be filling out which forms?
如果你的亲生父母(或养父母)从未结婚,或者两者皆是 分居或离婚,为你生活的父母回答(火博体育父母的)问题 with the most during the last 12 months. This person is referred to as the custodial parent.

  • FAFSA -如果你的父母离婚、分居或从未结婚,也没有住在一起, 在过去12个月里提供更多经济支持的父母是贡献者 and must provide their information. If both parents provided an exact equal amount 经济上的支持,或者如果他们没有经济上的支持,父母有 更高的收入或资产是贡献者,必须提供他们的信息.
  • College Board’s CSS Profile -如果你的父母没有住在一起,父母应该分别提交一个CSS文件 Profile financial aid application. It is highly recommended that the student and the " custodial "父级在" non-custodial "父级之前启动CSS Profile应用 starts theirs. If either or both parent is remarried, that parent’s current spouse’s information would also be provided on the CSS Profile

My parents do not want to pay for college. Can I apply for financial aid as an independent student?
火博体育不为宣布独立的学生提供经济援助 他们的父母,我们也不能提供帮助,如果父母决定他们 no longer wish to support a student at Skidmore College.

I missed the deadline for applying for financial aid. What should I do? Will I still get aid?
如果你在没有火博体育助学金的情况下入学,你就没有资格获得经济资助 aid from Skidmore College for your first two years; however, you may be eligible for federal aid.

When will I be notified of my financial aid for next year?
一年级申请者将会收到他们的经济援助通知 admissions acceptance letter.

不,我们不会因为一个家庭从另一个家庭得到了什么而改变我们的奖励 college or university.

如果我一开始没有收到火博体育学院的助学金怎么办 later find out I need to apply?
那些没有获得火博体育学院助学金的学生通常是第一名 有资格获得这种援助,如果需要证明,在他们的大三.

Will my financial aid change from year to year?
如果家庭情况保持相对不变,你可以期望得到相当的援助 package that meets your demonstrated need in your upperclass years assuming you meet our published priority deadline. 高年级学生的奖励将反映学费、家庭情况、 收入、私人奖学金和上大学的孩子数量. Work-study 奖学金、学生贷款金额和学生暑期收入每年都会增加 after the initial aid award. You must update your financial aid records by filing renewal applications every year. Your aid is not contingent upon maintaining a target 平均成绩,除了达到火博体育学院的最低满意标准 academic progress.

火博体育允许学生获得校外奖学金的全部好处 会全额减免学生贷款及/或勤工俭学及/或家庭供款吗 amount of the outside scholarship. A student's total aid package cannot exceed a student's cost of attendance in a given year. When all grants and scholarships exceed the cost of attendance, the Skidmore grant will be reduced.

是的,校园里有很多兼职工作,不仅限于学生 on financial aid.

How do I apply for a Federal Direct PLUS Loan?
您可以找到有关如何申请的完整说明以及在线表格的链接 at in our Loan Information section.

为什么我的学生账单上的联邦直接PLUS贷款金额少于这个金额 my parent's borrowed?
贷款人会从贷款金额中扣除一小笔发起费用 a parent receives in loan funds. Therefore, the total amount disbursed is less than the actual amount borrowed. See Loan Information for more detail.

How do I apply for a Federal Direct Student Loan?
您可以找到有关如何申请的完整说明以及在线表格的链接 at our website under the link for Loan Information.

为什么我的学生账单上的联邦直接贷款金额比我的账单上的金额少 financial aid award letter?
贷款人会从贷款金额中扣除一小笔发起费用 a student receives in loan funds. Therefore, the total amount disbursed is less than the actual amount borrowed. See Loan Information for more detail.

When is the tuition bill due?
秋季学期的账单将于8月15日到期,春季学期的账单将于12月到期 15.

What is the OP program?
作为纽约州资助的项目,机会项目与纽约州摄政委员会合作 以及纽约州教育部门,以促进对社会的全面参与 为所有纽约人继续努力接纳和留住这些人 由于经济和教育上的劣势,谁会不报名参加 institution like Skidmore College. More information can be found by visiting Skidmore College's OP Office website.