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Skidmore College


The College updates FAQs as quickly as possible to align with recently updated or shared policy changes. Thank you for your patience. For the most update-to-date information, please see latest messages.


Skidmore is a mask-supportive and mask-friendly community. Individuals should feel free and comfortable to wear a mask whenever and wherever they wish. 

The College will continue to make free KN95 masks available to all students and employees at Campus Safety. 

Faculty may continue to require masking in their classrooms or labs, staff and faculty may require masking within their personal office space, and students may require masking of visitors in their individual residence rooms. Everywhere else on campus, masking is optional and generally cannot be required of anyone.  


Effective fall 2022, the campus discontinued the use of PCR surveillance testing (both optional and mandatory) via the Broad Institute. 

Students may continue to pick up free rapid tests at Campus Safety. Please mask up and test if symptoms develop. 

For staff and faculty: If you have an immediate need or are concerned abouworkplace exposure, you may pick up a test at Campus Safety.

The expiration dates for many rapid antigen test kits, including tests distributed on campus, have been extended. Please visit this FDA website to review expiration date extensions and more information. 

Health Services may perform rapid and/or PCR testing depending on a student's individual symptoms and circumstances. Please note that a testing consent form for students under age 18 will be emailed to students from Health Services for a parent or guardian signature. 

The College continues to have the capacity to offer targeted, group, or campus-wide testing, as needed. Such testing would be determined in consultation with Saratoga County Public Health Services and may be administered through rapid and/or PCR tests, depending on circumstances and timeline. 


Students are required to self-report positive COVID-19 tests through the Health Services Website.
Employees who test positive should notify their supervisor and Human Resources at


If a student tests positive for COVID-19, a five-day isolation period must be completed. Most students will isolate in place in their regular housing. Isolation space on campus is extremely limited and is reserved for students who test positive who share a room with student(s) with pre-existing medical conditions.

When students self-report a positive test it means they can access academic and other supports related to isolation. After self-reporting, students receive a series of emails with detailed information about isolation and supports available, including meals if you have a meal plan.

If you have questions about logistics related to isolation or release from isolation, please email

Yes. After self-reporting, students receive a series of emails with detailed information about isolation and supports available, including meals if they have a meal plan. 

During any isolation period, students should coordinate with their professors regarding coursework. Faculty are encouraged to be as flexible and supportive as possible during the required five-day isolation period. 

Employees who test positive must isolate for at least five days and report their positive test to HR, who will provide additional information regarding isolation. 

Employees who feel well enough to work, and the nature of their work allows for remote work, may work from home with supervisor approval. If individuals are not feeling well, or the nature of their work does not allow for remote work, the College will provide paid sick time to use during the isolation period. 

Health and Wellbeing

Health Services will work with students on a case-by-case basis to determine the best course of treatment. This could include services delivered by on-campus providers, or referrals to Saratoga Hospital/local urgent care centers based on the nature and severity of the illness. 
Counseling Center resources and counselors are available to all students. Please visit the Counseling Center webpage for information about clinical services, hours, access, and policies. 
Use of the dashboard was discontinued effective May 2023.
Ready-made signs and templates are available here for faculty and staff to download, print and post as needed. 

The College is committed to the health and well-being of its community members and will work to reasonably accommodate students, faculty, and staff with known disabilities. Employees in need of a reasonable accommodation due to a medical condition should contact the Assistant Director of Employment & Workforce Diversity. Students in need of a reasonable accommodation should contact Coordinator for Student Access Services Meg Hegener

Vaccination Policies

No. Effective May, 12 2023, the College will no longer require the COVID-19 vaccination for faculty, staff, or students. However, the College highly recommends that all community members receive their vaccinations, including the updated COVID-19 vaccine, as recommended by the CDC and individuals' healthcare providers.  Please see this message for additional information.

All visitors to campus are strongly encouraged to be up to date with their COVID-19 vaccinations.

No. Effective May, 12 2023, the College will no longer require the COVID-19 vaccination for faculty, staff, or students. However, the College highly recommends that all community members receive their vaccinations, including the COVID-19 bivalent booster, as recommended by the CDC and individuals' healthcare providers.  Please see this message for additional information.

Visitors Policy

No. All visitors to campus are strongly encourgaed to be up to date with their COVID-19 vaccination.